There are those that have enormous knowledge on WordPress development and they want to put it to good use for their own sites. This may be a good idea to start with but if your website will eventually be used for the purpose of business you may need to put your energies into the business side of the project and have someone else do the actual development work.

It may be difficult for many to do so but it may be inevitable for the success of your business. It is a serious risk but if you leave this task in the right hands the benefits will be felt for a long time to come. How then do you ensure that your WordPress development project goes well? (more…)

The last time you probably looked at your About page is the day you created it right? The story is the same for many more people so don’t worry. Contrary to what many people think, this page is not something that you fill up just for the sake of it. It can be one of the tools that get your audience interested and stay interested in your content.

Why About Page is Important

The About page receives very many visits simply because it offers an opportunity to get to know you a little more. If you produce great content every so often, people will automatically want to place a face and information to the person who wrote the story they enjoyed. That’s just how humans do their thing. (more…)

Web visitors don’t like slow internet and the only thing worse than that is a slow website. Website speed is such an important thing that Google uses it as one of the things to rank a website. There is no way that your website will load faster if you have large images. You need to tame your images, but how? Install the WP Smush plugin.

How Wp Smush Improves Website Speed

WP Smush is a plugin that gets rid of all the bulky hidden details and leaves your image smaller without interfering with its quality. This is a great way to increase website speed. (more…)

Commenting on other blogs is great. It helps drive traffic back to your site. However, when commenting, you may end up seeing other guys have a WordPress Gravatar image as their profile while yours only shows a default, generic and dull image. Letting your image show up online is cool and has been proved to increase trust.

Would you like to display your own image in the comments you leave on other blogs? Would you like your image to show up whenever you respond to any comment on your own blog? Well, the answer to these questions is to create your own Gravatar. (more…)

Do you want to run a successful blog? Then you should think of starting to engage users on your website. The more readers engage with the content by reading and sharing it, the more likely those readers are to come back and view more of your content.

We all know that building a blog is easy. But constructing a huge following and great user engagement in a word press site is no walk in the park. It requires efforts, patience and time to engage users on your website.

Fortunately, I have some sure-fire tips and nice work you can start engaging visitors in your site. I am going to share 3 tactics which will surely help you to engage users on your website. (more…)

Recurring revenue is the latest craze as the guru himself, Dean Patino will tell you. Both online and offline with all the big whales taking the lead from Google and Amazon  to Netflix and Minibar. You could do the same for your WordPress business as well.

Many times people go into business because they are passionate about something and they wouldn’t mind earning a dollar or twenty from it. Every business has a slow season and this can really take its toll on a business and especially if there are employees that need to be paid.

A WordPress design or development business can be a little tricky and most people think that getting more clients would make their lives better. This is not really a solution because one, more clients means more work. (more…)

After setting up your website, the next step is to install a responsive and customizable WordPress theme. Consider premium themes, built and developed by professionals offering unparalleled support, upgraded features and overall are of higher quality than free themes.

WP-Creative premium WordPress theme

A premium theme helps you stand out from competitors in your niche giving some extra boost on visibility. In this post we discuss in detail what you need to know when buying WordPress themes. It’s important to determine which theme is good for your business and some extra bonuses which are essential to visibility online. (more…)

WordPress is considered a top CMS (content management system) in the world today because of the many advantages it comes with. Once regarded as a platform exclusively for bloggers, WordPress has since evolved to accommodate the non-blogging community.

The reason for its popularity can also be attributed to its many themes that are packed with features and functionalities that add to its appeal. Other reasons why it boasts millions of subscribers include: (more…)

There might come a time when you will require adding a frequently Asked Questions or FAQs category on WordPress to answer questions that your customers ask all the time. This not only saves you time that would go into answering each individual question but it is also convenient for the customers. As such, you will need to make it count by doing a thorough job in coming up with the right questions and answers. (more…)

Creating an attractive website with informative content is not enough anymore. Engaging your visitors and creating an online community is another way of marketing your site. Fortunately, almost every WordPress theme allows users to comment.


Getting feedback through comments on your blog posts goes a long way in boosting your image. This is because it encourages more people to visit and engage with you. It also helps you rate your blogs popularity in order to adjust accordingly. So how do you increase blog comments? (more…)