
Blog is now very useful and important for both company and personal blogger. Blog is like your online diary to make the world aware of your views and updates. As mentioned earlier blogs are of two types one is personal blog and another is company’s blog. Both are important for different reasons. Search engines love fresh contents. From your blog you can easily update information about your business, company or anything too frequently. Anyone wants to share his/her knowledge OR skills then blog will be the great platform to make the people aware of it. Personal bloggers are used to write blog about their personal skills, knowledge, or anything. Two big players are offering free blog platform for every users. Google and WordPress providing free blog services means anyone can create blog using Google and wordpress free services. But it is advisable that if you want more benefits from your blog then you should go for separate url and paid versions of these free services.

WordPress blog is better for blogging and it is now proven truth everyone knows. There are many reasons why one should WordPress as its Blog platform? Some are as follows.

Both Free & Paid

WordPress provides blog services in both ways as free and paid also. The paid version is not that much costly and easily affordable by people. So it is advisable that you start it with wordpress free blog and then after sometime convert it in paid version. If it is your business or company’s blog then you should go for paid version because company’s blog have more requirements then a personal blogs. So company’s blog should be as paid wordpress version.

Uniqe URL Services:

WordPress offers unique url services also with very low rates. So if you find that your blog is good enough to play long role then book ulr for it through wordpress.

SEO of Blog:

WordPress is developed in such a kind that search engines love it. So there is only little efforts makes your blog getting higher rankings in search engines. WordPress has most easy editor so you can update your blog too frequently as you want. The only thing is to be consider that content of your blog should be unique, informative and fresh, then it will be get promoted by search engines very quickly.

Blog Customizations:

For wordpress blog one can easily customize your blog with different themes and wordpress plugins. There are so many wordpress plugins and wordpress themes are available so you can choose any relevant theme and start your blog with fewer efforts.

There are lots of wordpress plugins also available in market for many uses like security and other required things for blogs. Plugin installations are also easy and simple. With little knowledge of operating computers can customize its blog easily. Its user friendly and too simple to apply.

For your business blog you should go for paid wordpress themes and wordpress plugins also.

Accounts Management:

In wordpress more than one user can update change OR edit the blog as well. Only admin should give proper rights to different users that’s all. So any responsible person from your business can update information regarding your business from anywhere. WordPress is Internet based so from any computer with internet anywhere one can update their. 

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WordPress being popular blogging software from more than decade, it is also very much popular for websites other than blog site. As a content management system(CMS), anyone can built any types of website with wordpress. WordPress also introduce its Ecommerce platform as WooCommerce which is widely used to create Ecommerce sites with WordPress.

There are so many benefits to build website with WordPress. Below are some important advantages of using WordPress for website.


  • Simple Integration and Usability:


WordPress is too easy to use from its early versions. Anyone with little knowledge of Computer operating and websites can use wordpress as a website developing platform. Its integration is also simple to use.


  • System Portability:


We can use wordpress from any computer with Internet. There is nothing like data which is being kept on single computer. All your website data is on WordPress itself. So one can make changes in his site from any computer.


  • SEO Benefits:


Search engines love wordpress sites. If your website is developed with wordpress than it performs better in search engines. WordPress is made to create search engine friendly websites.

With too little efforts a wordpress site having good performance in search engines, it is the key of its success and popularity for developing websites than other CMS or platforms.


  • Multiple choices of Themes:


There are so many free themes available of Internet. You can use them for free OR if you want specially designed themes for your business, there are lots of wordpress themes selling websites are there on Internet with affordable prices. Just choose the theme which fits your business and create effective website for your business with wordpress.


  • Plugins for every purpose:


WordPress plugins are beauty of wordpress. You can use so many wordpress plugins for your website. There are wordpress plugins available for many uses like, SEO, Security, Images, Video, Social Media and many more. What to do is just download the required plugin and customize it with your needs and its done. Plugins give more user friendly experience to its websites. They are also easy to customize and integrate for your website.


  • User Accounts:


WordPress gives you flexibility of more than one user. So many user can have access to your website and change anything or update anything for your website. Many user advantages make it more attractive and flexible to build any website.


  • Ready to go Blog:


This is finest feature of WordPress as a CMS. It is with ready to go blog feature. Blog is very easy to use and maintain with wordpress. Blog as everyone know is very powerful tool to make aware the people that what is going on in your business. One cannot update website so frequently but blog you can update as many time as you want and inform your visitors about your business. So blog is very good feature with WordPress platform.

Above mentioned are some of the main advantages to develop website with WordPress. There are so many features and benefits are also there which is not mentioned here. In short WordPress as website platform is one of the better & popular CMS for website creation.

For Free & Premium WordPress Themes – Sign UP here with SoloStream


A WordPress table of contents is an index for your entire website. It automatically lists all the content on your website so that people can easily see what’s on your site and find what they’re looking for.

Most so-called ‘table of contents’ WordPress plugins let you create tables of contents within individual posts. However they don’t list all the content on your website as a whole. These plugins are a useful way of adding navigation within longer posts or pages, creating jump links to all the sections within that page or post. However they’re no use if you want a sitewide table of contents listing all your pages.

There is one WordPress plugin that works differently to this and creates a table of contents for all the pages on your website. You can use it to list pages, create an index of blog posts, or list multiple types of content such as pages and posts together. You can even exclude specific pages that you don’t want to include in the table of contents. In this article, I’m going to tell you how to achieve all these things.

Do I need a table of contents for my website?

Some websites will benefit from an index or table of contents, whereas others probably don’t need one. If you have a fairly small site with just a few pages then a table of contents is probably unnecessary – it’s more suited to larger sites.

Ask yourself these questions to help you decide if your WordPress website needs a table of contents:

  • – Does your website have many pages, not all of which fit into the navigation menu?
  • – Would you like to display links to all your content on a single page so that people can easily find what they’re looking for?
  • – Would you like your users to be able to sort and filter the content on your website to find the page they want to visit?
  • – Does your blog have a large number of posts, so that your users have to scroll through many pages to find specific information?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions then it’s worth adding a table of contents.

What’s the difference between a WordPress table of contents and a sitemap?

Lots of websites have a sitemap instead of a table of contents. There are 2 types of sitemap – XML and HTML:

  • – XML sitemap – We can ignore XML sitemaps for now because they’re used by search engine bots and won’t help real people to navigate your website.
  • – HTML sitemap – These provide an unformatted list of all the pages on your website, with a link to each page. You can use a plugin such as Sitemap to create an HTML sitemap.

A lot of website owners provide an HTML sitemap because they think it will help their SEO. They normally link to the sitemap from the footer of their website and don’t really direct users to it. For this reason, HTML sitemaps aren’t usually an important part of a website’s navigation.

A table of contents is designed to be more prominent than a typical sitemap. It should form a prominent part of the navigation for your website. For example, you might add a ‘Table of Contents’ or ‘Index’ link to your menu. People will then click on it, expecting to find a user-friendly list of pages so they can find what they’re looking for.

You can do this with an HTML sitemap – instead of linking to it from the footer, you can add it to the navigation menu.

Alternatively, you can create an even more user-friendly WordPress table of contents using the Posts Table Pro plugin. This displays your content in an actual table which your users can search, sort and filter to quickly find the page they need.

Unlike a sitemap, your table of contents can have multiple columns. This means that you can add extra information about each page such as featured image, excerpt and anything else that will enhance your table of contents.

How to create a website table of contents

Follow these steps to create an interactive WordPress table of contents for your website. I’ve also provided a video tutorial where you can see me creating my own table of contents.

1. Install Posts Table Pro

First, you need to get the Posts Table Pro plugin, install and activate it on your website. This provides the functionality you need to display your pages as a table of contents.

2. Add a basic table of contents

Next, add the following shortcode to any page or post:

[posts_table post_type=”page”]

This will create a table of contents listing all the pages on your website.

3. Configure the table of contents

As you can see from the above screenshot, the columns in the table aren’t particularly relevant. The pages are listed in the wrong order and there are some pages which wouldn’t normally be included in a table of contents. You can configure the table to make it work exactly as you’d like.

Posts Table Pro has lots of options which you can read about in the documentation. Here are some popular options for tables of contents:

Posts, pages or both?

The above shortcode will display pages from your WordPress website. If you prefer, you can use it to display posts – for example to create an index for your blog posts. You can also set it to display both pages and posts, or even custom post types.

Shortcode example – posts only:



Choose your columns

By default, the table of contents will show columns for Title, Content, Author and Date. This is fine if you’re displaying blog posts, but is less suitable for a list of pages.

Use the columns option to choose which columns appear in the table. I’d recommend adding columns for title and either content or excerpt, plus anything else you’d like to include.

Example shortcode:

[posts_table post_type=”page” columns=”title,content”]

This will display a 2-column table of contents with the title of each page, plus the first few sentences of the page content.

You can control this even further using the documentation. For example you can rename the column headers and choose how much content appears in the table of contents.


Control the order of pages in the table

The sort_by option lets you control how your pages are ordered in the table of contents. This is really important because a table of contents needs to list your pages in a logical order.

By default, your pages will be sorted by their publication date which isn’t very logical for a table of contents. It’s better to sort the table by Menu Order or list the pages alphabetically by title.

Example shortcode:

[posts_table post_type=”page” columns=”title,content” sort_by=”menu_order” sort_order=”asc”]


Exclude anything you don’t want in your table of contents

You can also tell the table of contents to exclude specific pages or posts.

To do this, you need to know the ID of the pages and posts you want to exclude. To find the ID, go to the Edit Page or Edit Post screen and look for the number in the URL – for example if the URL ends with /wp-admin/post.php?post=13781&action=edit then the ID is 13781.

Example shortcode:

[posts_table post_type=”page” columns=”title,content” sort_by=”menu_order” sort_order=”asc” exclude=”13781,13782″]

4. Add the page to your menu

Finally, go to Appearance > Menus in the WordPress admin and add the page containing your table of contents to the menu. Call it something self-explanatory such as ‘Index’ or ‘Table of Contents’.

And there you have it! You’ve created a WordPress table of contents listing your pages in a user-friendly format. By providing an index of your website content in this way, your visitors can easily find the content they’re looking for. They can type a keyword into the search box. They can click a column header to sort the table. They can even choose how many pages are listed on each page of the table.

This will help people to see what your website is offering and how to find it. This will improve the user journey, reducing your bounce rates – and ultimately, resulting in more conversions for you.

Author Bio:

Katie is co-founder of Barn2 Media, one of the UK’s leading WordPress web agencies. Since 2009, she has been working with companies all over the world to get the maximum business benefit from WordPress and the web. She loves blogging about WordPress and how you can use it in new and innovative ways.

Forget the old saying; it’s now data which makes the world go round. With the continued evolution of technology, bytes have become one of the driving factors in seeing the world turn.

It’s truly staggering just how much of an impact they have on the global community, with a mind-boggling 2.5 Quintillion bytes created on a daily basis.

Just to put this continued boom into some context:

• That many bytes are enough to fill 10 million Blu-ray discs
• Which are themselves enough to stack up to four Eiffel Towers
• 90% of the world’s data has been created in the last two years alone

The growth is perhaps no better demonstrated than by the GB usage comparison between 1992 and the predicted 2018 rate.

In 92 only 100GB was downloaded every day, whereas figures predict there will be 50,000GBs being downloaded every second in a couple of years’ time.

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With 3 billion people accessing the internet on a daily basis (the same population of the Earth in 1960), social engagement has also changed how we interact as a species.

Currently, every minute there are:

• 204,000,000 Emails sent
• 72 Hours of footage uploaded on YouTube
• 216,000 Instagram posts made
• 277,000 Tweets posted

If you’d like to learn even more about the crazy amount of data we use every day, as well as how it can benefit us going forward, feel free to check out this fantastic infographic:




Facebook has declared that its Instant Articles program will be interested in distributers “of any size, anyplace on the planet” beginning on April 12, 2016. Also, with the free module we’re uncovering today, you’ll have the capacity to set up your self-facilitated or VIP WordPress for the requests of this new channel.

Instant Articles is a Facebook feature which allows you to load your content 10 times faster by using a customized mobile format. It is based on the same technology used in Facebook apps for mobile devices.

The native format includes a built-in set of interactive tools like auto-play video and tap-to-zoom image galleries, bringing stories to life on mobile devices. Early analysis suggests that people engage more deeply with the immersive experience and share Instant Articles with their friends more often than standard web articles.

Many popular media sites like BuzzFeed, TechCrunch, Mashable, and countless others are using it on their websites. You can easily spot instant articles in your Facebook feed by the lightning bolt icon.

Install it now from WordPress plugin directory.

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How it works –
Facebook has a review process where they verify that all Instant Articles generated from your website are properly formatted and adhere to their community standards and content policies before you’ll be able to start pushing content to the platform. (You can get more information in our Instant Articles FAQ.) Instant Articles generally should contain all the content a person would see in the web version of an article, so if you have extended the standard WordPress Post template in any way, it’s likely that you’ll need to extend the plugin’s default output too.
What Do You Need to Enable Facebook Instant Articles in WordPress?
There are a few requirements for setting up Facebook Instant articles on your WordPress site. You need a:
Facebook page for your WordPress website.
Facebook page app (we will show you how to create it later in this article).
At least 10 or more articles on your website.
Instant Articles for WP plugin (We will show you how to set it up later in this article).
Having said that, let’s get started by applying for Facebook Instant Articles.
Pros and Cons of Facebook Instant Articles
Like everything else, there are some advantages and disadvantages of using instant articles on your website.
Pros of Using Facebook Instant Articles
Faster load time means significant improvement in user experience.
Due to speed, users are more likely to share your content.
Access to monetization options through Facebook Audience Network.
Boosted Facebook Page Reach.
Facebook’s massive user base can bring new wave of traffic to your site.
Cons of Using Facebook Instant Articles
Users will not see your sidebars. It will hide your useful widgets, email list forms, and everything else that is not part of the article.
You may witness a drop in advertising revenue, as Facebook instant articles limits the advertisers as well as the number of ads you can show on an article.
You can use some images and videos on your article, but Facebook instant articles will limit that as well.
Most shortcodes, custom fields, and other WordPress features will not be displayed in your articles.
The Instant Articles program is one of several current initiatives that aim to bring improved speed and performance to the experience of reading news on your mobile device. We are thrilled to be working with Facebook on making it easier than ever for WordPress publishers to reach and engage their audiences in new ways.
We hope this article helped you to know Facebook Instant Articles for WordPress. You may also want to see our list of 40+ useful tools to manage and grow your WordPress blog.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our for WordPress Themes. You can also find us on Facebook.

This valuable report to grow your business includes:

 Intro to WordPress

  1. About SEO and Copywriting
  2. Choosing the Right Keywords
  3. Optimizing Your Page or Post
  4. More SEO Copywriting Tips
  5. Final Words


”I own an SEO company in Vancouver. I first hired Liza J. Lee in 2008 to help with a clients text in their website as they had none. Liza called the client, interviewed them and created content in less time than she had originally promised. The quality of the text was excellent and the client was very happy. I have hired Liza more then once and strongly recommend her for copywriting as well as for all information relating to art. She has her fingers on the pulse of the Vancouver art scene so worth speaking to.”

Eric Ayache, President, Guaranteed SEO

”I had the pleasure of working with Liza on an SEO project with a small business in Vancouver. Liza continually exceeded my expectations with her knowledge of the SEO process, organizational skills, passion for delivering a superior product, and great communication. I highly recommend Liza for your SEO copywriting needs.” Michael Carels, President, Carelli Studios

”Liza provided a solid foundation for our website as a copywriter / editor to ensure the right style and voice was used and that SEO was appropriately utilized. As a professional she is a pleasure to work with.” Frank Kusmer, Partner of CK-Global Solutions




As a business owner, you may want to also install a WordPress blog to your own website as this makes it easier and faster for you to add fresh content regularly. That’s because you don’t need to know any coding or how to use special software to add new pages. Google and other search engines like sites that have new content and, if it is optimized well, you are rewarded with relevant and targeted traffic to grow your business.


WordPress is a free blogging tool and publishing platform and is often categorized as a content management system (CMS). WordPress has many features including a plug-in architecture, a template system and, as of August 2016, it is the platform for 80% of all new websites, making it the most popular CMS in use on the Internet.




To attract the right traffic and convert sales leads on your website or WordPress blog, you’ll need to incorporate SEO and copywriting into your selected webpages or blog posts. SEO is the active practice of optimizing your site by improving internal and external aspects to increase the traffic that your site receives from search engines. This report outlines various simple SEO tips, which will help you reach your online goals effectively by optimizing your website with SEO copywriting. Without the right keywords with integrated SEO copywriting, you will not attract the right traffic to your website or WordPress blog. All that effort into a well-designed site will go to waste. But help is on the way!


After reading this document, you should be able to write copy with the correct keyword strategies. As well, you will be able to optimize those keywords and create benefit-driven titles for your website or WordPress blog to increase your visitor traffic and customer base.




First you’ll need to choose the right keywords for organic or free search traffic. So make sure you have your main keywords on your chosen webpages. Each page should be around 300 words. You should place your page’s main keywords in the first and last 25 words on that page. To find what other keywords Google has associated with your main keywords, here are two methods:

Use the tilde “~” command to find associated phrases in Google. Just type into Google search: ~keywords. Variations will be highlighted in bold print.

Or visit Google Trends at to discover the top 100 searches to incorporate into your blog post. This might help give you an idea for one of your blog posts. For example, “What is Bitcoin?” was one of the top 100 searches and I recently wrote a single blog post about it on CoinFest Art & Trade Show involving Bitcoin on a one-page site, which attracted Twitter followers, Facebook Likes and an interview with CBC TV (mainstream media).


Once you have your right set of keywords, you’ll need to select your best 10 webpages or blog posts to optimize to attract relevant and targeted traffic to grow your business. And each page or blog post should contain only one set of keywords. You cannot mix them up or you will not get any or good results from search engines!





Step 1 – Page title:

Include the keyword in the title of the page. The page title is located at the top of your HTML page and it tells the search engines what your page is about. When you open your page in a browser these are the words at the very top of the screen. The title tag is crucial to ‘on-page optimization’; it should include your main keywords and it should be 63 characters or less if you want your title to appear in full on Google. Place the title in the title tag on the webpage itself and in the URL for that page. Pick the main keywords from the title and place them in the anchor URL instead. For example:


Step 2 – Meta tags:

The Meta Tag contains the description for your web page. Your description will show up in all the search engines so you have to be careful to write precisely and objectively. It should be about 140 characters or around 20 words. Make sure to include your keywords but don’t spam (don’t repeat your keywords more than once). Mention each of your keywords separately in the meta description tag and use variations of your keywords. Include each of the plural and singular forms of the keywords in the keyword tag to optimize your webpage for one keyword. You should choose only one set of keywords per page.


Step 3 – H1 tag:

Add an H1 header tag aka as a headline. Once the code screen is open, click “edit”, then “find” and search for the text “H1”. This is the HTML code used to enclose what’s called an H1 header tag. You should always include your main keyword within an H1 header tag.


Step 4 – H2 tag:

Next add what’s called an H2 header tag or subhead. Your H2 tag should always come after your H1 tag.


Step 5 – Bold, italics and underline:

Go through your webpage and add your most important keyword throughout your page content. You will want to bold, italicize or underline your text with keywords. Only choose to use one or two of these styles with your keywords to make it look ‘natural’.


Step 6 – Alt tags:

Add your keyword to alt image tags. This tag should have your title or the main keywords from your page title to be the most effective. The anchor text is also important to know – these are the underlined, clickable text or words in a link. To check Google for all web pages containing your keywords in the anchor tags, type into Google Search “allinanchor:yourkeywords”.


Step 7 – Home page links:

Add a link from each webpage, within your website, that says “Your Keyword Home”. This link should link back to your main page using the URL; otherwise, you split up your back links. Note: It should not link to index.htm or index.html. It should like you’re your actual URL.


Step 8 – All page titles:

Finally, add the keyword to the page title to all of your select web pages for optimization. Just add main keywords to the beginning of the page title. The new title of this page should be: Your Keyword. This encourages the search engines to see that your website is all about your keyword. Once you’ve optimized your selected webpages or blog posts with your chosen keywords, you’ll also need to include effective copywriting techniques.



By placing your top-performing keywords in strategic places on your website, you tell the search engine “spiders” that those keywords describe exactly what your site is all about. And that’s what convinces the search engines to include your site in the search results for those keywords. Here are the most important SEO copywriting tips for search engines, including Google.


Your domain name contains your top keywords:

Search engines love URLs that contain keywords that visitors type into search boxes! These sites whose domain names include keywords will likely rank higher in the search engine results for those keywords in comparison to sites that don’t.


A well-written benefits-driven title tag:

Your title tag is a simple piece of HTML code that’s located in the “head,” or top, of your Web page. It’s a bit like indexing your webpage, like a library. In your title tag, include a detailed, accurate and benefits-rich line of text that describes your business clearly, letting potential visitors know exactly what they can expect to find on your site. It should be no more than 63 characters. Any title tag text over 63 characters may be cut off by certain search engines.


Your benefits-driven headline tags:

A headline tag is like a brightly colored post-it note within your HTML source code that alerts search engine spiders to your headline and subheads, both of which contain important information for the search engines. Your headline should contain the benefit your visitor expects to receive or experience on that webpage.


Benefits sell while features tell:

Benefits are why your visitors will enjoy your service or products and features are the attributes of your services or products. For example, web optimization is a feature of web content, while web traffic increase is the benefit of web optimization. Don’t forget to update your sitemap.xml for Google and your urllist.txt for Yahoo before submitting these to the top two search engines.


Use a Call to Action (CTA):

A CTA is an image or text that prompts visitors to take action, such as “subscribe to a newsletter”, “view a webinar”, or “request a product demo”. CTAs should direct your visitors to landing pages, where you can collect their contact information in exchange for a valuable marketing offer. In that sense, an effective CTA results in more leads and sales conversions for your website.





With WordPress, you can select free templates and customize them yourself. Once you have your WordPress set up and designed, you can also add plug-ins and integrate that into your social media such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. With a WordPress site, you can easily add fresh and optimized content for Google and other search engines to send you targeted and relevant traffic to grow your business.


Or prefer an expert to help set up and design your site, select your SEO keywords and provide the copywriting? This helps you to focus on what you best.

Create a professional website

When you want to take your work to the web, your best friend is WordPress. The extremely customizable platform is capable of being whatever you want it to be. To get the look and functionality you want, you can count on professionally made WordPress sites from Solostream.

The WP community is big. Really big in fact. We’re talking thousands of designers and developers, tens of thousands of writers, and millions of users, all contributing to pushing WordPress forward. And one very popular way to do this is designing and developing WordPress premium themes.

It’s now easier than ever to use platforms such as WordPress to create a highly effective and professional website, which is easy to edit and navigate as you please, similarly to the way you would a blog page.

Vital Pieces of WordPress

Now, let’s assume you have decided that you’re going to use the WordPress platform to create your site, but you’ll not use it in order to host. If you would like to learn more about the most effective plugins, you can look for assistance from websites specializing in WordPress security. You only need to pick the best ones you could incorporate with your WP site.

Internal link structure is among the essential issues of SEO. Therefore, understanding how to set-up page redirects with WordPress could be convenient in the longer term. Additionally, It will become simpler for you to spot changes in code structure which will indicate that malicious code was injected into the WP theme.


Since then search engines won’t decrease your own page rank. This flexible tool enables anyone to establish an authoritative website with highly little effort. WordPress websites are really an excellent and inexpensive method to appeal to your desired customers along with a phenomenal strategy to succeed at SEO.


Let’s say you possess a site that you would like to rank well. Now you need to be able to observe the website and it will look the very same. As a consequence, their website might be hacked.

Here, we routinely help small business owners get started with their online presence buy starting with a fresh copy of WP and a professional theme. Based on our interaction with our clients, here are a good few points of DO’S and DONT’S when buying a WordPress Theme.

WordPress Theme Do’s

  1. Do know the type of site you are
  2. Do know what you want your website to do
  3. Do know your needs for functionality and design
  4. Do know where people are using your website
  5. Do think about your need for multiple layouts

WordPress Theme Dont’s

  1. Don’t get persuaded by colorful imagery
  2. Don’t assume anything about your theme
  3. Don’t buy themes for their functionality (that’s the job of a plugin)
  4. Don’t panic

We make it incredibly easy to build premium WordPress sites in no time. In just 30 minutes, you’ll be able to get a gorgeous site up and running. Subscription to this service also gives you access to tons of pre-built themes and tools that will make the interface of your site look and work great. Please reach out to SoloStream support today to get your site started!

WordPress is an open source, online tool which is used for creating websites. It is written in PHO. These days, WordPress is the most common tool used in web development when it comes to CMS, or website content management system and blogging.


Why use WordPress for web development?

There are many reasons which have made WordPress so popular these days.


Here are a couple of reasons as to why WordPress is one of the most popular tools used when it comes to website development:

  • Ease: When it comes to WordPress, it is very intuitive and an easy to use system. It allows the users to add new pages, images, blog posts etc quite quickly and easily. It uses a very simple technology and as a result, not too much of time is wasted on the formatting part.


No FTP Software or HTML Editing Required: WordPress doesn’t require HTML software for editing and it is a self-contained mechanism. Different operations like uploading documents, image galleries, video files and etc can be done without the help of any additional FTP or HTML software.

  • Search Engine Friendly: The codes used in WordPress are very simple and clean which makes it easier for the search engines to index and read the content of the sites. Apart from this, every single image, post and page have their own meta tag, description, keyword and title which makes them optimized for the search engines.


Customizable Design: With the help of WordPress, a 100% customizable website can be designed which can prove to be very helpful when it comes to Online business promotion and search engine optimization.


Multiple Users: An administrator of a website made from WordPress can assign different capabilities and access levels for different users.



How to use WordPress?

Here are a couple of important tips which you would find useful while using WordPress for development.


  • Visit the Website of WordPress: At first you need to visit the WordPress website and then click on the button which reads as “Get Started”
  • Enter your Details: You need to create an account by keying in your valid email address. Then you need to click on “Create Blog”, this would let you create a free blog.

Create an Address: While you are signing up, you will be asked to create an URL or address for your blog. Once you have created an URL, you won’t be able to change it.

Check your mail: You will be sent an activation link in your email. You need to click on that link which would guide you to the activation page. There you need to click on the “Activate Blog” option.


Assign a Title: Once you have activated your blog, you will be directed to your Dashboard. You can go to the “Settings” option and assign a title to your blog by selecting the “General” option.

Give a Theme: In this step you can design your blog. You can use a wide range of multiple colors, themes to give your blog an attractive look. You can change the theme at any point of time. There are certain premium themes available which need to be purchased and free also available.


  • Blog Post: Now it is the time to make your first blog post. Go to the “Post” tab on your Dashboard and then click on “Add New”. Assign a title to your post and then you can start writing.


  • Widgets: There are collections of widgets found in every WordPress blogs. These widgets are available on the right side of your blog’s home page.


  • Add Pages: If you wish, you can add multiple relevant pages to your blog with different contents which would make your blog look professional and attractive to the viewers.


  • Make it different: If you wish your blog to stand out among others, then you need to put in a little bit of efforts. You can add certain features like reader interaction, posting frequency, optimal post length and others.


  • Promote the blog: Once you have your blog up and running, it is time to promote it. You can use social media to good effect when it comes to promoting your blog.


Creating attractive blogs have never been so easy before as of now with WordPress Website Development. Also you need to choose best hosting & SSL certificates providers in order to make your business secure online.


Author Bio:

Jason is a renowned web development professional who works with WordSuccor Ltd., a leading WordPress Website Development Company with a global reach. He is a passionate blogger who loves to write and share everything about WordPress and new web design technologies.

There are numbers of players are claiming to be selling the best premium WordPress themes, but when you think for its definitely providing the premium themes with premium support. Let’s know more how they are so confident about saying this statement. is not a new born baby into the WordPress industry, it has been many years and many customers, clients and affiliates are the backbone of solostream success. Providing the premium themes, they have best practical categories for their themes, lets say few categories that really helps many website owners and webmasters to publish their contents.

  1. Business Themes :

    There are more than 60% websites that are build on the WordPress Open source are Businesses who wants to publish their general information and products and services to their current and featuring clients, not only that there are many companies and organizations use WordPress themes to promote their individual products and services that are very new to market.

  2. Multipurpose Themes :

    Within the flexibility of WordPress the multipurpose themes from the solostream are very common that can help you on multipurpose way. You can choose any of the multipurpose theme and convert it into the most efficient blog or websites that publish your important content over the internet.

  3. News & Media Themes :

    WordPress is well known for its content distribution and publishing new content on intervals, there are many sites and many concepts over the years uses WordPress and its plugins to make your website into the perfect blog and feed website that throws various content in various categories.

  4. Blog Themes :

    As you know the Blog is dominating the SEO part for every WebMasters, there are almost every SEO team and WebMasters using the WordPress theme to put their Blog over the internet. Solostream is providing the best blog premium WordPress themes that can varies with various purpose and topics of the blogs.

  5. eCommerce Themes :

    Since last decades the eCommerce are one of the most aggressively developed market over the internet, due its easiness and affordability there are big increase in the online shops and vendors who sells their products and services over the Websites and Online Market Places.

  6. Portfolio Themes :

    Portfolio are one of the showcase that display the glimpses of your Work and arts, many artist and many professionals are using the WordPress to display and demonstrate their piece work using solostream portfolio themes. Using the advanced media from WordPress frame work its become very easy to update portfolio using various medias like audio media, video media, URL medias and feed medias.

Along side all of our premium themes that we sell, we also provide something that most can not and that is top notch support. Our technical support team is dedicated to providing our members with top level and fast support to help support not only our theme issues but also members site issues. We can say for sure, we strive to provide support in the best way possible for each and everyone of our SoloStream members. So, what are you waiting for? Join today and be apart of something great in the WP community.

According to the recent studies, there is no better open source CMS compare to WordPress with other Joomla, Drupal, and e.t.c. More than 75 million sites are hosted with WordPress, 40 various translations, Easy availability of WordPress Developers and have more unique visitors than and last though WordPress has very fame in the industry, it has only 229 employees to work with.

If we start talking about WordPress, its one of the most simplest and efficient open source which can be setted up in less than 30 minutes if you are a known WordPress developer but if you are a amateur developer though it will not take more than few hours to find the instruction on how to setup your WordPress website.

Normally people have easy and fast website that can show their products or services in very efficient way, but here WordPress not only shows and proved to be the best for the products and services but also for the blogging and organizations. According to the studies more than 22% of USA domains are hosted with WordPress CMS. So its proving that WordPress is ideal for any websites that you can think of.

Vast resources of WordPress Plugins .

WordPress plugins are one of the tools that helps website to become and represent the more dynamic datas and filterations. There are more than 29,000 free and paid plugins are available to meet your dynamic requirements. There are almost every basic to normal  plugins that can really does your website to be more dynamic. As far the studies, Akismet is one of the most powerfull and strong plugin so far in all the WordPress plugins.

Efficient Administrator and Team.

As we know there are only 229 team members are there to make the WordPress to be one of the WordPress. Its quite interesting that all of them 229 team members are always are on the most productive and most technologically powerful.

The most Business websites are again developed with the WordPress Open Source CRM.

There are no business who doesn’t require website to run their profit motives, almost website is doing one way or the other that helps many businesses. Now from current statistics, in 1000,000, Business websites, WordPress is using 1/5th ratio that powered by WordPress itself. That means there are large number of Businesses are using WordPress to show their, brands, products and services. It is also meeting the most requirements for keep upto date with the news and information for the business the WordPress is the best choice itself and very easy to update which is another best factor that WordPress is known for.

Now if you say the Worlds top website is also powered by WordPress, according to the research top websites like, Walt Disney Company, Angry Birds, Gracenote, Toyota Motors Brasil and are hosted with the WordPress.

Considering above information and the best of our knowledge for the WordPress, we believe its very easy to customize and put any requirements and thoughts into the website is very easy, we normally use very less customization for plugins as we always get what we need in terms of plugins and resources that we need during developing WordPress websites. Its not only us but we also get most of the time requirements that from our clients that they need only WordPress as their Open Source Development.